Extreme thrill package 3-in-1: Diving – Wind tunnel flight – Boeing simulator – Deepspot
beginnersBlogSCUBA diving

Extreme thrill package 3-in-1: Diving – Wind tunnel flight – Boeing simulator

Are you already gathering ideas for Christmas gifts for your loved ones? We have already started making a list of sweaters, ties, socks… We’re kidding! For the past few years, we have consistently chosen gifts that are meant to provide an experience!

Giving gifts to loved ones is pure pleasure, but also a huge responsibility! Do you deal with this every year and feel that you are starting to run out of ideas? Do you want to get out of the enchanted circle of material, more or less repetitive and not always apt gifts? We have an offer for you that cannot be refused! Gift a loved one with a 3-in-1 extreme experience package: scuba diving, wind tunnel flight and flight in a Boeing 737 simulator. It’s a Christmas gift that won’t linger in the closet or get dusty on the shelf!

Christmas gift in the extreme from Deepspot and Flyspot

With remarkable Christmas gifts in mind, we have designed a package that you can’t pass by indifferently! We have included in the package three top attractions that you simply… have to try! Diving, flying in the wind tunnel and flying in a Boeing 737 simulator is a triple dose of excitement and thrills! We are sure that with such a gift you will “win” this Christmas! Check out the details and decide who will find a VIP Package under the Christmas tree!

Scuba Diving

The first dive is a great experience that could not be missing from our package! Deepspot provides the maximum safe and enjoyable diving conditions in the facility, which is the most modern and deepest diving pool
Europe. Your recipient will perform his or her dive under the guidance of an experienced and highly qualified instructor, using excellent quality equipment.


  • The diving voucher is redeemable at Deepspot, in Mszczonów, near Warsaw.
  • The date and time of the dive are determined individually by the recipient, according to his preferences and the time available to him, during the operating hours of the facility.
  • The time required to complete a dive is about 90 minutes (about 30 minutes of theoretical training, about 60 minutes spent in the water).
  • Maximum diving depth: 12 meters.
  • Minimum age of dive participant: 8 years old (the other attractions in the package have a lower age availability threshold).

Flying in the wind tunnel

Our Christmas VIP Package includes an OPEN Voucher for up to two flights in the wind tunnel! Each will last as long as two tandem parachute jumps
From as high as 4,000 meters (impressive, right?). The recipient of the package will receive initial training and be equipped with the necessary high-end, safe equipment, and at the end – will receive a commemorative video of the flight and a certificate.


  • A voucher for a flight in the wind tunnel can be redeemed at one of three facilities: Flyspot Warsaw (Mory, near Warsaw), Flyspot Katowice or Flyspot Wroclaw (Miroslawice, near Wroclaw).
  • The date and time of the flight in the wind tunnel are determined individually by the recipient, according to his preferences and the time available to him,
    During the operating hours of the respective facility.
  • The minimum age of a participant in a wind tunnel flight: 3 years old.

Boeing 737 simulator flight

The icing on the cake of the 3-in-1 star package is a flight in a Boeing simulator. This is a sensational attraction for anyone who would like to sit at the helm of this huge machine
and see how much excitement piloting an airplane can provide. After the initial training, the recipient will sit in the pilot’s seat for a full 40 minutes! As part of the flight, she will be able to perform takeoff and landing procedures several times, at an airport of her choice
And in various weather conditions.


  • A voucher for a Boeing 737 simulator flight can be redeemed at Flyspot Warsaw (Mory, near Warsaw).
  • The date and time of the flight in the Boeing simulator are determined individually by the recipient, according to his preferences and the time available to him, during the operating hours of the facility.
  • The minimum age of a participant in a Boeing simulator flight: 6 years old.

All vouchers that make up the VIP Package can be redeemed at different times,
At arbitrary intervals and in different facilities. Reservations for specific dates can be made by phone, by contacting the facility of your choice, or by using the
from an intuitive booking form, available on the Deepspot and Flyspot websites.

To whom to gift the 3-in-1 package from Deepspot and Flyspot?

An extreme Christmas gift is an excellent option for any healthy person who likes to explore the world and enjoys facing new challenges. The 3-in-1 package from Deepspot and Flyspot is elegant and very versatile, so it will easily work for family and friends, as well as a holiday gift for a superior or co-worker.

The 3-in-1 package guarantees unforgettable experiences and memories for years to come! Perhaps it will make the recipient tick off one (or three!) dreams from their list, or discover a new lifelong passion for themselves?
