At the Diving Conditions Simulator, we take care of hygiene to the highest standards. Daily.
What exactly do we do?

01 Our equipment is disinfected after each use

The equipment is disinfected in a special liquid by our instructors after each use. This process can be observed on Deepspot beach. This ensures that the equipment you get is sterile.

02 We use masks

Both front desk staff and all customer service work in masks or buffs. Cover the nose and mouth.

03 Masks for the second time!

Also, the pre-dive briefing is done with anti-covid rules.

04 In most rooms, the lights turn off and on automatically.
05 Daily cleaning and disinfection
06 Our toilets

is equipped with antibacterial soap, and hot water flows from the tap.

07 We disinfect door handles and elevator buttons daily.
08 Hotel rooms are cleaned and disinfected regularly.
Frequently asked questions
Is Deepspot open?
Yes, we operate during standard hours
What if you have to close Deepspot, and my reservation falls on that date?
No worries, nothing is lost 😊 If Deepspot could not operate for some time due to imposed restrictions, we will give all those with reservations the opportunity to choose another date convenient for them.
Are the vouchers valid longer due to the pandemic?
Whenever there is a need, we extend the validity of vouchers at your request. However, we don't do this automatically for all vouchers, since they are valid for as long as 12 months anyway, and most visits take place during that time.
Is it possible to come with accompanying persons?
As long as there is no need, we encourage people to come without companions. Simply put - the fewer people, the safer for everyone. In this regard, we urge you to use common sense
How does Deepspot take care of security?
We have taken a number of additional measures to make it safe to visit Deepspot for Covid-19 prevention as well.
- Disinfect diving equipment after each use
- Lockers in locker rooms are cleaned regularly
- We regularly disinfect our hands and recommend that our guests do so (disinfectant liquids are available at many Deepspot locations)
- We take care to follow the recommendation to cover mouth and nose in Deepspot area
- Only fully healthy employees come to work - we take care of you, but we take care of ourselves too😊.
Do you apply a limit on the number of people in the facility?
Yes, we follow the sanitary recommendations in force in this regard. We are supported in this regard both by our - properly set up - reservation system and by our staff's ongoing monitoring of the situation in the tunnel buildings.
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